
This letter notifies a business of a complaint.


Barton's ink
P.O.Box 6875
Florida, FA 66890

January 12,2010

Mr. Anthony Davis, General Manager
Blue Laguna
Florida, FA 66878

Dear Mr. Davis,

I am writing about the facilities , food and service at the restaurant Blue Laguna on Wednesday evening, January 11.

First, Ballroom B was too cold for comfortable dining, there were also few very strong drafts and few guests caught a cold the very next day. Music in Ballrooms A and C was too loud, it was impossible to make a conversation.

Second, the food service was extremely poor – we have arranged for dinner at 7 pm and we weren't served until 8.30 pm. The main course was cold.

Third, there was no one available to offer help. We couldn't reach anybody from Blue Laguna staff.

In order to repair the situation, please reduce our room rent and food bill by one-half; I have enclosed our agreement with the original total. One more thing, always have a representative if any of these circumstances happen again, but I hope it won't.

For over 15 years Barton's Ink has had many dinner parties in your restaurant. I appreciate your resolution of this matter.



Mark Spenser
for Michael Cohen, President

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