Extremely Delinquent Reply

This letter is used when a customer has not responded after a long period of time.

Nature field
3455 Middleshore Lane • Boston, 73922

August 15, 2010

M.T. Griffith
890 Highway

Dear Mr. Griffith:

Yesterday, I was going through our mail and realized we had neglected to contact you concerning our proposal to replace some of your central heating parts.

I realize five months have passed since I sent you the information so I have attached our original proposal. I hope you will take time to look it over. We feel our prices are competitive as well as the quality of our parts that will save your money in the long term.

I will call you next Tuesday after you've had time to review the proposal. I am looking forward to doing business with you. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 349–555-8494.



Jonathan Tompkins

You can save $600 on central heating parts this year!

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