Letter of Introduction

Letter of Introduction

This letter is used to introduce one person to another — such as a new salesperson to an established client. If you address the recipient by first name, you can do likewise with the person being introduced. If a courtesy title and a last name are more appropriate, be consistent with all the names that are mentioned in the salutation, body and closing signature.

Seagull Shore
7464 N. Shore • San Francisco, 1 – 800 – 555 – 3275

November 23, 2010

Gabriel Williams
Lobster Shore Ltd.
Box 78

Dear Gabriel,

I am happy to introduce our new sales representative, Stewart Richardson, to you. Stewart will be in charge of servicing your account.

Stewart is a graduate of the University of Washington and holds a degree in Sales and Marketing. For the last six years he has been working as a salesman for Chicago Fisheries and Equipment. We are proud to have him on our staff and are sure he will be able to give you the kind of service you have come to expect from Seagull Shore.

Please call us if there is anything we can do for you. Stewart will be contacting you within the next three weeks to personally introduce himself, discuss his monthly schedule and answer any questions you might have.

Sincerely yours,


Todd Johnson
Director of Sales

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