

This letter stresses the urgency of the need for the customer to take some kind of action on the bill. It is a continuing progress report on the recipient's account. If an alternative payment plan has been reached previously, indicate the details of the agreement and the telephone contact dates to keep an accurate record of communications.


Modern Wear

482 Holloway Road. • Islington, Greater London, United Kingdom

March 5, 2008


Sam Parker

768 Avenue Road.

Arthur Rd,London, SW19, UK

Dear Mr. Parker:

Your bill of $ 440.06 is now overdue 60 days. Send $ 440.06

within 10 days. If you cannot send the total, please call me

at 600-555-7854.

Failure to respond may mean that your bill is turned over to a

collection agency. Thank you for your prompt attention.





Angelica Baker

Credit Manager


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