Sales Letter to Client

A sales letter to introduce the contact and generate interest.

Crown hotel
187 White Street, Paddington , London W2 , United Kingdom

August 10, 20xx

Mark Hirst, Secretary
The Medical Institute
P.O. Box 445
Orlando, FL 31888

Dear Mr. Hirst

Just a note to introduce myself and to let you know of the Crown’s interest in the 20XX meeting plans of the
Medical Institute.

The Crown Hotel contains 700 newly redecorated guest rooms; this includes 15 double room suites. The hotel is located in the heart of Boston, only 30 minutes from the airport . Our five four-star restaurants offer our guests variety in menu selection and atmosphere. Our 38,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space include the city’s largest ballroom and the largest on-site exhibition hall. I have enclosed a complete schedule of our function space dimensions and capacities.

Please stop by and see us if you are in our area — we would like the opportunity to show off our hotel. In the meantime, however, I will call your office next week to answer any questions you may have on the Crown’s facilities and to discuss how we may be of service to the Medical Institute.



Nicole Thompson
Director, Convention Services

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