Recognizing a Suggestion

This letter recognizes an employee or business associate for suggestions she has made. Recognition fulfills one of your employees’ or associates’ greatest personal needs. Use these letters often.


Patrick's Paradise
Natural Resort 342 •North Lake, MN 55669

July 25, 2010

Maida Khan
Box 57
North Lake, MN 55669

Dear Maida,

Thank you for the suggestion how to organise the annual ball. Your idea means we can serve 150 more guests than last year!It is the best idea I've heard in a long time.

As you know, our motto is 'Happiness and fun for everybody'.As a reward for your fantastic suggestion we are giving you a two day-long journey to one of our nature resorts, for you and your family.
Thank you once again for your great idea. With employees like you, Patrick's Paradise will only get better.



Patrick Mitchell

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