Human Resource Executive Cover Letter

When faxing a copy of your resumé to a potential employer, also mail or hand deliver a quality copy for the employer’s files.

Annabel Dickens
32 St, 15 Road field
Staffordshire, ST

July 20, 2010

Robert Foster,
HR Manager, Stardust Inc.
Yellow lane,
London, 47-556-887-3210

Dear Robert,

I enjoyed our telephone conversation we had yesterday morning. I was interested to hear about the opening of new HR sections in my home town. As you requested, I am faxing you a copy of my resumé.

As I mentioned during our conversation, I am a HR Manager with eight years of experience in the Staffordshire region.

My successful background demonstrates the skills you required in Human Resource Executive position. Briefly, I offer:

Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Office.
Strong ability to handle multiple responsibilities and deadlines quickly and effectively.
Ability to operate independently in an administrative environment.
Strong communication and writing skills.

I look forward to meeting with you on October 11. If you wish to contact me before our interview, you may reach me at 404-555-3219.

Thank you again for the information you offered me on the telephone yesterday morning.



Annabel Dickens

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