Job Rejection

This situation is difficult. If you know the job is a mismatch for your skills, be honest and then act to remedy the situation. Your integrity and credibility will expand with this letter.

167 Tenor Street
Manchester, MA 37900

April 18,2010

Natalie Patel
Tehnomarket, Inc.
Main Ave 23456
Manchester, MA 45980

Dear Ms. Patel,

The position of executive assistant sounds very exciting. Thank you for considering me but I can't accept the offer at this very moment.

This position demands more experience than I currently have. I am a perfectionist, therefore, I decided to improve my computer skills this job requires. I am enrolling course in finance and in five months I will be better trained.

Perhaps some of my current colleagues can suggest some people who are prepared to accept the job now. Someone better trained than I is waiting to discover Tehnomarket.

Thank you again for thinking of me. I intend to be prepared for the next executive assistant opening as your company continues to expand its operation.


Maya Adams

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