Dealing With Angry Customer

Here is the example of poor customer service and then you can see an improved version:


Amanda: Hi, I'm curious if the Vukol stroller has come in?
Owner: What model?
Amanda: Four weeks ago, one of your employees said this model would be available in your store.
Owner: She was wrong. That stroller comes out next year.
Amanda: But she specifically told me you would have it.
Owner: Well, she was wrong.
Amanda (disappointed): You should inform your staff better about new merchandise so this doesn't happen. Now I have to start shopping from scratch.
Owner: We don't have what you want and there's nothing I can do.
Amanda: You know, I could have shopped at your store for another stroller, but after this conversation, I won't now.

Owner: Fine.


Now, the improved version:


Amanda: Hi, I'm curious if the Vukol stroller has come in?
Owner: I'm sorry, we don't carry that model.
Amanda: Four weeks ago, one of your employees said this model would be available in your store.
Owner: I apologize for the information you received, but that particular model will not be available for another year. Can I document this conversation so I can share it with my staff? This mistake cannot happen again. What can I do to improve the experience you have had with our store? This rarely happens and I want to keep you as a customer.
Amanda: Well, I do have another stroller in mind.
Owner: Perfect! Please come in and I'll show it to you personally. If you choose to buy it, I will give you 10% off the retail price. I'll give you my direct number so you can call me when you plan to come in. In the meantime, I'm going to address this conversation at our next staff meeting. I look forward to meeting you.

Amanda: Thank you. I'll come in tomorrow!


In person or over the phone, your customers want to be treated with respect. You won't always be successful at converting every angry customer, but by using effective communication skills, you stand a much better chance.

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