Announcing a Sales Campaign, Promotion or Incentive Program

This type of letter informs clients of upcoming sales promotions, incentive programs or special sales packages that are available. It is followed by a personal call from the salesperson.

Happy pet
1663 Green lane • London, AN 37383

October 20, 2010

Natasha Veric
Director of Sales
Animal Garden Co.
560 Road, 45 Ave.

Dear Ms. Veric:

Happy pet will start its winter sales campaign on December 1.

In the past, Happy pet's campaign has enabled Animal Garden to offer its customers a wide range of products at extremely competitive prices. It's a spectacular way to attract new customers. I have enclosed our latest catalogue.

I will call you within the next 10 days to answer any questions you might have about the program or order. All orders have to be made by November 15. It is our pleasure working with Animal Garden.

Sincerely yours,


Jennifer Morgan,
Sales Representative

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